Supervision & Consultation
We are able to offer individual supervision for anyone working directly with young people and our multi-disciplinary team enables us to provide different perspectives and advice in addition to the supervision you may be receiving within your current role.
The team have different specialisms but have all, without exception, provided supervision to large numbers of professionals over the years. We all know from our own experience that supervision is vital to effective work with children and young people and that we all need help at times to make sense of the dynamics, transference and counter-transference which are normal parts of therapeutic care.
We have experience in offering supervision and consultation to groups of workers: teams within Social Care, voluntary agencies, teachers within school etc.
We have extensive experience of offering consultation to staff groups within the residential care setting and over the last decade have built up an excellent working relationship with one specific residential care team within Surrey County Council.
We are happy to work with both statutory and voluntary agencies – indeed anyone who is committed to providing excellent care to the children and young people within their sphere of influence.
Supervision and consultation can include specific discussions about individual cases or clients but can also be extremely useful in addressing dynamics within teams and staff groups and reflecting on the impact of the work on all those concerned.
We are happy to work with both statutory and voluntary agencies – indeed anyone who is committed to providing excellent care to the children and young people within their sphere of influence.
Supervision and consultation can include specific discussions about individual cases or clients but can also be extremely useful in addressing dynamics within teams and staff groups and reflecting on the impact of the work on all those concerned.